The CSP program is a sales model that allows partners to resell or bundle their own services in with Microsoft Cloud Services to create a complete solution with pay-as-you-go billing.

The CSP Indirect Reseller incentive rewards CSP Indirect Resellers, who purchase from an Indirect Provider, for driving the activation and enablement of customers with Microsoft-based online services.

How to qualify

To qualify for incentives, partners must have an Active MPN membership and one of the following competencies in either Silver or Gold.  Partners are only eligible for incentives in the area in which the competency is held.

Vuzion Microsoft incentives

How to enrol

1. Eligible partners will receive an invitation to enrol for the incentive from Microsoft (within 30 days of attaining the competency).

2. All invitations will be sent to the Partner Administrator who is defined as the Primary Contact in MPN.

3. Onboard or migrate to Partner Centre.

4. Assign an Incentive Administrator.

5. Create a payment and tax profile. If you don’t, Microsoft won’t be able to pay you incentives.

6. If for any reason, you don’t receive your invitation from Microsoft and believe that you’ve met all the eligibility requirements, you’ll need to contact


Now that the Microsoft Partner Incentives programme has moved to Partner Centre, you will be able to do all your admin work including managing users, do work on behalf of customers, sign up for certifications and incentives, report incentives earnings, and get pay-outs through the Partner Centre. All incentives data is available via the incentives Partner Centre, and the incentives data is refreshed daily.

Rebate payments can be tracked (data is refreshed daily) from Partner Centre with payment expected within 45 days after the end of the earning month. Payment is made directly into the partner’s bank account.

If the incentives earnings are below $200, the earnings are carried over to the following month. If earnings are under $200 at the end of the programme year (1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019) the incentives will be forfeited.

Vuzion Microsoft incentives

Vuzion Microsoft incentives

Vuzion Microsoft incentives

If you require more information about enrolling, please get in touch.